Doug Hampton's Letter to Fox News. I forgot, "Why should I care, again?"

Bloggers are all lined up and ready to froth at the mouth, once again, over another soap opera. I am beginning to wonder if we are going to see a resurgence in the popularity of day time dramas with the interest this junk generates.

The story of the day!!! Larry Hampton is the hubby of Cynthia Hampton, the woman whom had an affair with Senator John Ensign (R-NV), and the man who allegedly sent a letter to Megyn Kelly of Fox News asking for her help in exposing the extramarital activities.

From the Las Vegas Sun,

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Fox News- Corporate Office
1211 Avenue of the America’s (sic)
New York, New York 10036

Megyn Kelly,

More than any time in my life I understand why people take matters into their own hands. I am disheartened! I have sought wise counsel, tried to do the right thing and continue to run into road blocks (sic) in dealing with a very terrible circumstance and injustice that lives in my life. I am hoping you and Fox News can help.

My name is Doug Hampton. I am a former employee of US (sic) Senator John Ensign. I worked for Senator Ensign in his official government office on Capitol Hill from November 2006 to April 2008. My responsibilities were the oversight of his personnel in Washington as well as the state of Nevada. Duties included budgets, policy and public speaking on behalf of the Senator and his initiatives.

Here is my story. In December of 2007 in the midst of some very difficult personal issues that deeply impacted my family and marriage, Senator Ensign pursued and engaged in a relationship with my wife. Our families were lifelong friends, our children attend school together to this day, and our homes are in neighborhoods across from each other. My wife was the Senator’s campaign treasurer.

There is a tremendous amount (sic) of details and critical facts associated with this story and their relationship that will not be addressed in this letter but are very important and need to be further explored if you choose to meet with me. The purpose of this letter is to establish the framework for discussion and provide enough information to warrant a meeting with you and Fox News. This is the only letter of its kind and no other news stations have been contacted with this information. I have great respect and affection for Fox News and many of your collages (sic). I’m sending this to you because you have a legal back ground (sic) and this story has several legal elements.


I don't know if people just need a break from engaging all of the problems facing our country, and quite frankly the world, or we're just stuck in the nosy neighbor syndrome. This post and its ridiculously high-minded (sic) but poorly written commentary (sic) has been presented for our innate need to partake in the misery of others and the stupidity of the many

Have a nice day and thank you for flying with us! :)


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