Tea Partying v. Tea Bagging

In the interest of picking up some of the slack on our weekly juvenile antics, something occurred to me about the Left's continual attempt at describing Tea Party attendees as "Tea-Baggers."

If you already know the definition of someone who teabags versus someone getting teabagged, then you can follow my line of thinking. If you don't know the definition then you may need to go to the Urban Dictionary to understand.

Using a little logic, the demonstrators are the teabaggers, therefore they are the ones doing the teabagging. This only leaves the question, "Who is getting teabagged?" Well, that would be the administration and all those supporting them (i.e. the Far-Left and the O2 deprived).

With this in mind, I would rather be the teabagger than the teabagee. Interesting the Left are the ones with male sexual organs on their foreheads but somehow in their warped logic the Tea Party goers are the people being insulted.
Oh, those on the Far-Left are so clever, aren't they?

Man, we got 2010 in the teabag, lol.



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